3 DIY Cures (Made With Food) for Dry and Chapped Skin in the Winter

Dry aging skin

Dry skin is normal in the winter, at least for some people. If you’re one of those people that just don’t seem to be able to cope with the problem and suffer cracks in their hands that hurt, this article is for you.

Here, you can find three simple DIY cures prepared with food that will fix the problem once and for all!

Windburned Skin Remedy: Green Tea

Windburned Skin

Windburned cheeks usually exhibit more-than-usual redness and feel rather dry. If store-bought lotions don’t help, try a simple cure with green tea.

Rich in antioxidants, it’ll reduce redness and the chaffy feel on your skin. Actually, the antioxidants contained in green tea have been proven effective in some types of dermatoses.

To prepare this DIY cure, infuse 2 green tea bags in 1 cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Remove the teabags and chill them for 30 minutes.

Place them on the necessary area for 2 minutes and rinse.

Chapped Skin Mask

Dry hands can crack and even bleed in winter. Luckily, there’s something you can do to tackle the problem effectively.

You need oatmeal, banana, and almond oil to prepare this healing mask. Not only does this mask help prevent dryness on the skin, but it can also reduce inflammation and heal wounds more quickly.

Chapped Skin

Make the mask with 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, ¼ cup of banana, and 1 tablespoon of water. Add a few drops of almond oil and coat your hands thoroughly.

Leave it for about 10 minutes before rinsing.

The Ideal Dry Lip Cure

Aloe is one of the most common ingredients for a variety of cosmetics. From hair care products to lip balms, its properties are known and widely used to maintain moisture and reduce inflammation.

Cucumbers are another well-known ingredient that can do wonders for your face and, believe it or not, dry lips.

Combined together, aloe vera and cucumbers can reduce swelling, relieve sensitive skin, and reduce pain in cracked and damaged lips.

If no store-bought lip balm can effectively treat your lips, a trip to your local grocery store can help do the trick!

Dry lips

Prepare the balm by pureeing ½ cucumber. Strain it and remove the juice, then stir 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel into a puree.

Combine both ingredients and apply to your lips twice a day.

Damaged and dry skin is painful. But with these simple cures, you’ll be able to deal with the issue once and for all.

The best thing is that every ingredient is available in your kitchen!