We Ranked These Kitchen Appliances From Best to Worst — But Honestly, They’re All a Waste of Money
From fancy electric can openers to garlic presses and avocado mashers, there are a number of nifty kitchen appliances that guarantee to make your cooking experience that much easier. But are these items really worth spending your hard-earned money on? And do they really make that much of a difference? This is: Kitchen Appliances Ranked… Stick around til the end to see the worst offenders of the bunch!
#1. Pasta Maker
Who doesn't enjoy a delicious bowl of pasta, right? From spaghetti to good old mac 'n' cheese, pasta is a staple in many households across America. But do you prefer store-bought, or are you one of those who prefer to make your own?
A good quality pasta maker can cost you anywhere between $60 and $300. And, when you consider the cost of living, is it really worth spending that kind of money when you can buy a packet of pasta at the store for less than a dollar?