We Ranked These Kitchen Appliances From Best to Worst — But Honestly, They’re All a Waste of Money

From fancy electric can openers to garlic presses and avocado mashers, there are a number of nifty kitchen appliances that guarantee to make your cooking experience that much easier. But are these items really worth spending your hard-earned money on? And do they really make that much of a difference? This is: Kitchen Appliances Ranked… Stick around til the end to see the worst offenders of the bunch!

#1. Pasta Maker

Who doesn't enjoy a delicious bowl of pasta, right? From spaghetti to good old mac 'n' cheese, pasta is a staple in many households across America. But do you prefer store-bought, or are you one of those who prefer to make your own?

A good quality pasta maker can cost you anywhere between $60 and $300. And, when you consider the cost of living, is it really worth spending that kind of money when you can buy a packet of pasta at the store for less than a dollar?

#2. Hands-Free Bag Holder

This might be one of the more practical kitchen appliances or gadgets that can make the job of transferring things into a bag that much easier. But, with a price tag of roughly $10, is it truly worth the spend?

For those who freeze-dry or dehydrate and store their foods, this little gadget can come in handy. We guess it all comes down to personal preference and how much use you will really get out of a hands-free bag holder.

#3. Countertop Pizza Oven

Pizza lovers, this one's for you, even if it does seem like an unnecessary and expensive kitchen appliance to some. The countertop pizza oven is a nifty contraption that lets you cook your delicious pizza right on your countertop.

You can expect to pay $60 to $90 for one of the smaller devices. They can run up to $350 for the bigger and better models, so you need to consider if you really want to pay for a kitchen appliance that does nothing more than replace your oven. However, we think it's one of the less useless appliances you can own.

#4. Breakfast Station

Thanks to Hollywood movies, many people have this perception of what breakfast should look like. Come on, who really has the time to make a full breakfast for the family before heading off to work and school in the morning?

The breakfast station has a mini-oven to make toast and bacon, while other features include a warmer for a coffee pot and a mini griddle to make eggs and sausages. It can retail for anywhere between $60 to $200. The choice is yours.